- Photo via wattskl/Instagram
If you ask any Orlando native about the time they spend in traffic, they’ll probably respond with a groan and the simple but defeated response “too much.”
In a recent study conducted by Intrix, a Washington-based tech company that provides traffic data and statistics, Orlando barely missed the top 10 percent when it comes to length of time people spend stuck in traffic, ranking 28th out of 240 cities in the U.S.
Out of the entire world, Orlando ranked 148th out of 1,064 cities.
According to the study, Orlandoans spent 7 percent of their driving time and 31.7 hours in traffic last year.
Statistically, Orlando has never ranked well when it comes to anything related to traffic. Already in 2017 there have been more than 3,500 crashes in Orange County alone, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports.
Last year another study ranked Florida drivers the worst in America, which makes sense with the flow of constant tourists and uninsured drivers in the state.
Want to spend less time on the road? Maybe check out Parkersburg, West Virginia, a city where drivers only spent about 3 hours in traffic for the entire year of 2016.