by ldore | Nov 25, 2015 | Blog
Two judges challenged the red-light camera program and dismissed 24,000 red light tickets! The county lost over 6 million dollars with this decision. The reason that the red-light camera program was challenged is because: Broward County contracted with (ATS) American...
by ldore | Nov 25, 2015 | Blog
On November 23rd 2015, 9:45 pm Gulf breeze, Santa Rosa county FL. Lorie Musil, age 55, was discovered by deputies shortly after being reported missing. She was last seen alive Sunday night leaving the Bridge bar with a white male. The police Chief said: At this point...
by ldore | Nov 25, 2015 | Blog
During the month of December Sacred Heart Health System will be providing free flu shots for adults 18 years or older at locations listed below from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Community Center 6880 Pooley ST. Milton. December 2nd ST John Evangelist Catholic Church, 303 S....
by ldore | Nov 16, 2015 | Blog
Nov 9th, 7:30 pm, Miami-Dade county.- The driver of a stolen, black, Infiniti G35, hit a bicyclist and dragged him into a tree before the car abruptly exploded. A black Infiniti that was reported stolen was traveling south on NW 12th at a high rate of speed when the...