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Florida handles traffic tickets on a county level, and the majority of the time, traffic ticket fines don’t vary too much by county.

If you are cited for speeding in one part of the state, chances are your ticket fine will be the same as if you were cited for speeding in another part of the state. Generally, ticket costs are printed on the actual traffic ticket. Drivers can check their tickets for their fine.

If drivers have lost their FL traffic ticket, they will need the citation number and information about the ticket fine and deadline to satisfy the citation. Depending on the county where they received their traffic ticket, they may be able to search for this information online using the citation number or by contacting the appropriate county court for more details.

To find the full details of the lost ticket, drivers will need to contact the court in the county where they received the citation. Because drivers only have 30 days to pay the fine before they face additional penalties, it’s important to search for the lost traffic ticket information as soon as possible.


Each county sets its own surcharge, or court-related fee, that must pay in addition to the traffic ticket fine. Typically, these fees don’t cost much more than a few extra dollars.

If the applicable surcharge isn’t printed on the ticket, drivers will need to contact the county’s Clerk of Court for information.

DUI Surcharges

Convictions related to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs carry additional fines and penalties. These do not vary by county.

Depending on the offense, DUI violations also carry jail time, probation, community service, license suspension or revocation, DUI school, and ignition interlock systems.

Driving School Election Fee.

Drivers who are eligible and opt to enroll in a Basic Driver Education Course for point reduction must pay their clerk an election fee in addition to the traffic ticket fine and surcharge. The clerk will inform you of this fee when you notify the court that you’d like to enroll in traffic school.


