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Tips to travel with your pets

  Pets aren’t just pets – they’re treasured friends and family members. As pet owners, we want to keep our buddies safe both at home and on the road. Whether they’re headed for fun times at the park or a trip to the vet, here are a few tips for safe driving with...

Driving Safety Tips for Handling Potholes

During my commute to work, I inevitably drive over more than 10 potholes each way. While a few of them are small, most of them are quite large and create for a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride to work. Many potholes are caused when relentless freezing and thawing of...

How Technology Is Helping Seniors Drive Safer, Longer

Learn how these advances in car technology can help senior drivers enjoy the road longer. According to a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, seniors who drive actively are more social experience less cognitive decline over a 10-year period, and are five...