There are two broad categories of traffic tickets, it can be very helpful to know which one your citation falls into.
Non-Moving Violations
Non-moving violations are usually minor citations that involve small fees. They can range from parking tickets, to citations for not wearing your seatbelt. Here’s a few:
- No proof of insurance
- Expired Tag
- Seatbelt Violation
The fines for non-moving violations are usually less than $50. Because of how low the fine is some might not feel the need to hire a lawyer, but if you’re still unsure, you might want to read this.
Moving Violations
Moving violations are violations of the law committed while the car is moving; this is what differentiates a moving violation from a non-moving violation. These are usually considered misdemeanors or infractions, depending on the severity they could also be called felonies.
Moving violations will bring repercussions such as fines (which could reach $500), or sometimes even points on your driver’s license. The accumulation of a certain amount of points can have your license suspended. Here’s a few examples:
- Speeding
- Red Light Camera
- Failure to stop at traffic sign
- Violation of a traffic control device
- Passing a stopped school bus
- Improper passing
- Careless driving
- Violation of the right of way
Next time you receive a citation, check back here, and determine what type of violation you have.
Keywords: Traffic tickets/ Speeding/ Stop Sign/ Careless Driving/ Failure to use Due Care/ Driving while license suspended/ No valid DL/Reckless Driving / Habitual Traffic Offender