Bradenton, FL. An 87-year-old woman named Lilian Parks is facing second-degree murder charges after she told the police on the scene that she had intentionally overdosed her grandson, Joel Parks of 30 years old.
Joel was disabled; he lived during the week in a group home and on the weekend, he would be in the care of Lilian. His father is deceased and his mother is estranged. He was found dead on Sunday by his sister, who called 911.
The reason Lilian gave to the police is that she may be dying soon and feared that no one would care for Joel after she died. The Police said they’re awaiting a toxicology report to reveal the substance used to kill Joel Parks and are also interviewing family members.
Bradenton police Captain Brian Thiers commented “This is a difficult case for our detectives. Partly, we feel bad for an individual who feels that the only option is to take another human’s life because you’re so worried about their care after you’re gone. But on the other hand, this was a thought out and planned process, and she took a human life.”
Lilian Parks is currently under medical custody. Once released, charges against her are pending.