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LIBERTY CITY, MIAMI – Death surrounds us in such an unpredictable way. Last Sunday a woman could experience this reality, when walking home she was struck and ultimately killed by a car, due to its high speed.

The story begins when police spotted wanted men for an overnight armed-carjacking and an armed-robbery in Allapatah. The officers walked towards a Hyundai Elantra where the suspects were. They tried to pull over but the driver took off, then it resulted in a wild chase.

Authorities say the driver ran a stop sign and hit the woman. This lady was on her way home after being in a funeral, paying respect to a family or a friend, and then tragically struck by those animals who were robbing people, said Miami police Officer Michael Vega.

The woman was thrown over a fence and got into someone’s yard, according to Scott Newell, a man who was around when the accident occurred. Also, the robber’s car smashed into others seconds later. Cops said one of those cars was being driven by an off-duty officer.

Once the car flipped over police officers came around, Newell said he heard voices from the robbers’ car that hollered ‘gun, gun’. Police found multiples guns, an adult male and three youngsters, who were pulled from the car.

At last, they all were taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital, one had aggravated injuries. Even three police officers were injured.


Via: CBS Miami
February 25, 2019