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Dashonne Voss was turning southbound onto U.S. 41 from Bayshore Gardens on Monday afternoon when she lost control of her Toyota Avalon, striking a fire hydrant and creating one of the most bizarre scenes witnesses have seen.



Uber driver Travis Silva passed the scene shortly after it happened at 2:30 p.m. and said water was going everywhere, but the vehicle was still fully upright. When he returned about an hour later, the entire front end of Voss’ vehicle was submerged into the hole, leaving the rear tires fully off the ground.


When the vehicle hit the fire hydrant, it broke the force main and turned southbound lanes of U.S. 41, as well as areas of the nearby CVS parking lot, into a running river. Cedar Hammock Fire District and the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene and shut down the southbound lanes for more than an hour. One lane was reopened by 4:30 p.m. and the remaining lanes were open by about 5 p.m.


“I’m not sure if I turned the wheel too far, but I just lost control and started skidding,” Voss said.

Vía: Miami Heralnds Newspaper